It's no shocker how hard it is balancing life with diabetes, especially when its all so new. Right now, I would say the hardest part is still adjusting to the fact that anytime I want something to eat, I must inject myself with a needle full of insulin. I am getting very use to it now, but every so often it can really HURT.
Lately, the difficultly lies with WHERE I inject. I do not feel comfortable sticking myself in public, although it would make my life so much easier. Running to a dimly lit stinky bathroom is never fun. I did it in public for the first time last Saturday while we were at the Houston Outlets eating a late lunch. (wow that sentence could be taken the wrong way!) The bathrooms were so far away from the food that I just threw my caution to the wind. Screw it! If these people think I am injecting heroin, so be it. I did it so fast, and am still amazed how its already becoming second nature to inject myself. I noticed a couple people staring, and then they got on with their life. Just like I did.
But what's even harder is when I am subbing at the elementary schools. I am not about to inject with 25 Kinder's or even 5th graders staring at me. Most of the schools in Bryan require you to eat with your students. I am really not use to this at all. Every day I work, it's a constant game of who I have to tell "I have t1 diabetes and need to give myself insulin before I eat, I will be right back." And by the time I have helped the students go through the line & then go to the restroom to do my thing, I usually have 15 minutes left to shovel food in my face. This, of course, would be a whole hell of a lot easier if I actually had a permanent teaching job.... but that's a whole other can of worms.
An insulin pump would really help my situation. REALLY REALLY REALLY help. At my last doctor's appointment I talked to him about it. I was sooooooooo distraught when he told me it would be best to wait another 2 months. See, insulin is a massive game of chess. Some days I win, and a lot of days I lose. We are still working on my levels of insulin to bring my numbers in a range where I can win a lot more often. He thinks 2 more months of trial & error, and we might be on the right winning streak.
TGIF & Thankful next week is spring break.. We will be off to New Orleans and Florida with some great friends!!
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