She's the sweetest, most loveable dog I have ever met. With every step I take, she's right by my side. Most people don't really know why I wanted to get a dog (other than the fact that I LOVE them.) Dogs can help with diabetes. True story. In fact, when I was first diagnosed my doctor flat told me to get one since I live alone.
Before diagnoses Abbey, Ben's dog, use to lick me constantly. I mean, not normal dog licking, but serious licking. She was on a mission to lick my skin off. I couldn't get her off, and when and I if I finally did, she would come back for more. I always thought it was weird, but just thought she loved me.. (Ha!) My doctor actually told me it was a sign of a high blood sugar. She thought I tasted sweet. Irony.
Lately I've been having a lot more lows than I feel I should be having. Especially at night. Right before bed the past few nights I have had to eat a pack of skittles and juice to sky rocket my blood sugars. Ill wake up and be perfectly in range which makes me think my pancreas started working. Perhaps I'm in the honeymoon stage? who knows. More to come on that later. But because the thought of "I hope I wake up tomorrow" has crossed my mind before laying my head down to sleep, I decided I had to have something right by my side every night. Sure, Ben's nice to snuggle with too! But that boy wouldn't wake up if a freight train was next to his ear, let alone if I go into a coma because of a low.
So, here's where sweet Nala comes into play. I can actually get her trained to be a service dog, and I could take her anywhere I went. I can't decide If I want to or not. But not only has she already uplifted my spirit about a diabetic life (Heck--life in general), she's already helped me when a low set in before I realized it. I might have rescued her from the pound, but she most definitely rescued me emotionally AND diabetically.
And because this is just SO my life, I leave you with this:
Yes, my girl is wearing a pull up because no less than 3 hours after I got her, she started heat.
She's a mess. just. like. me.
A perfect pair.